Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spring Break

G’day mates! Welcome back to another exciting journey. Usually around spring break time I am getting ready for a trip down to Florida or somewhere warm. This year was different because I had to save up for my backpacking trip in Europe this summer. Although I wanted to go on a small trip somewhere, I had to look at the big picture ahead. Anyways my Spring Break kicked off with me celebrating St. Patty’s Day on March 17. The day was filled with recognizing the Irish culture, and having everything in green apparel. I had a blast hanging out with friends, singing, eating and drinking. I am super excited to visit Ireland this summer to see everything first handed in green. Throughout spring break I was able to take care of errands, and did a lot of cleaning around the house and car. I remember when I was younger I used to hate spring cleaning, but now I cherish it more for some reason. I guess it is one of those things you tend to like over a period of time.
Since I didn’t have to work as much through break I had the chance to watch a couple of my favorite seasons of television shows. The television shows I recommend watching are the season of WEEDS and How I Met Your Mother. I recommend these shows because they are funny and each episode brings on new journeys. Since I had a lot of free time at night I finished a single season in one night.
To finish off my spring break I ended the week off hanging out with friends from school. We all headed up to Appleton, to go shopping and for supper. We first went to Fox River Mall to find some items on sale, and look for some items for our ethnic restaurant class. We had a blast hanging out and just enjoying our time off from school. We wish we could hangout more, but with work and school it is hard. We do indeed make the best of everything and have a good time.
Lee IV

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