On Wednesday, December 7, I had a great time with class and other special events. Since I had my baking final last week I didn’t have to wake up early for my morning class. Therefore, I was able to sleep in, and I attended a potluck lunch for the Multicultural Club. They had all types of food ranging from rice, chicken, chips, and other great snacks. I didn’t stay too long because I had to get ready for my afternoon hot sandwiches class. We were planning an appetizer party for people to come and eat, and the cost was for open donation. We had a lot of various foods ranging from fried red tomatoes, egg rolls, mac and cheese, and plenty of other great foods. Once I finished my dishes some of my other classmates went around advertising our special event. We had a great turn out of people, as food was running low we quickly whipped some more hot foods to get on the line. People enjoyed the foods we cooked up and they came back for more. At the end we started cleaning up to finish our day off and ate some leftovers. I have some pictures above to show the line of people who came out to our special event.
Later in the night I attended a homebrew meeting at the Elks Lodge building located in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. This meeting was more special than usual because this event was a social meeting and the end of the year celebration. Most of the members brought some of their best stuff which has been brewing all year. There were over twenty types of homebrew beers ranging from IPA to Stout beers. All of these beers were great in quality and taste, and there was even a chance for people to win a 50-50 raffle, so I decided to buy one for a dollar. As time went on I met people who are alumni from Marian University, and other people who been home brewing their beers for years. I gained some useful information about the process and history of different types of beers. Soon afterwards the 50-50 raffle was called off, and surprise enough my ticket was called out. I was so surprised that I had to make sure it was my ticket was the correct one. I wanted to stay longer because I was having so much fun, but I had to leave since I had class in the morning. I must say this wonderful Wednesday was a lot of fun! Well until next time I’ll catch you soon!
Lee IV
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