Wednesday, November 23, was the first Wednesday in awhile not baking something good but a change in pace is not always a bad thing. So instead I began my day with a morning workout then I started on my blog to get the day started. In the afternoon I met up with a friend that I have not seen in years at Starbucks in Fond du Lac on Johnson Street right of the highway. It was good to catch up on our lives; it is amazing how fast time goes by when we are constantly on the go. We laughed about funny stories in the past, and our plans to do in the future. It felt like we were there for a short time, but actually we were there for about two hours. Since we had other things to do we had to leave, but we are planning another coffee break soon. If anyone is looking for ideas to do in town with friends I recommend go to Starbucks and grab a comfy chair and relax.
Later that night I met up with some friends from MPTC at Ledgeview Lanes in Fond du Lac to go bowling. The specials for the night were buy two get one free game for $9 including shoes rental. There were seven of us, and we had a great time bowling and dancing to the music we picked out on the jukebox. For every time there was a spare or strike we cheered for one another. I must say after bowing three games it is definitely a good workout, you burn a lot of calories without realizing it. Once we finished bowling we were getting hungry, but we couldn’t decide what we were craving, then remembered Applebee’s is open late night. We drove to Applebee’s and there were a good amount of people there since it was turkey eve, more people decided to come out. The good part of ordering at Applebee’s is that there appetizer menu is half-off, therefore you get your money worth. Our waiter was really funny; she made our night and the food was good. Once we were done we all went home and got ready for the big day ahead for turkey day and Black Friday shopping. Now the fun things lay ahead, until next time ciao!
Lee IV
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