Welcome back Mates! Like I said previously the voyage ahead is going to be a blast, so I hope you are ready to join the fun. On Thursday, February 16 I began my short tour of Wisconsin. My day started off with me calling my little brother Nick for his birthday. He turned fifth teen, I can’t believe how old he is getting and within one year he will be able to drive. This only means I am getting older, but after I turned twenty-one I don’t keep track of my age because then it makes me feel old in a way.
After I finished talking to him, I headed off to class for my Ethnic Restaurant class. We were discussing how to run a restaurant by using good customer service, which is very crucial to a business. This was a good topic, but my mind wasn’t focus because I was getting super excited for the Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan concert at the Resch Center in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Since it was a country concert, I dressed up in my country outfit. Luckily enough I was able to stay focused for the rest of class. After class I did some home work because I knew I wouldn’t have enough time to do it later. Then my friend Angel and I attended a Tea Party at Park Terrace on campus hosted by Instructor Lois Zimmerman’s cold sandwich class. She always know how make her class productive and fun. The food selection was excellent, we enjoyed all the various types of tea sandwiches, and the desserts were amazing. It is amazing how full you can get from eating these small bite-size sandwiches. Once we finished I was super full and it was time for me to head home to get ready for the concert.
I was going to the concert with my friend Haley from school; she is a big country fan as well. We purchased these tickets five months ago and we couldn’t believe the day finally came. We also heard the concert was sold out, so we knew the concert was going to be awesome. As we were driving up to Green Bay we were jamming out too Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan songs. After an hour and twenty minute drive we finally arrived at the Resch Center. It didn’t take long for us to get inside then we found our seats with no problem. The concert started with 2011 American Idol winner Lauren Alaina and she had a beautiful voice and full of energy. The party really started when artist Luke Bryan came on stage and got the fans dancing and singing. We were having a blast then intermission came for the stage setup for Jason Aldean. I decided this was a good time to get something to drink and eat. As I came on the concourse I saw friends and people who I haven’t seen in a long time. It seemed like a lot of people who I knew were there. Fifteen minutes later Jason Aldean came on stage and the fun got even better. This concert was so fun that I wish it would never end, but of course all good things do come to an end. My friend Haley and I definitely agreed this concert was worth the money, value and experience. Heading home there was a little traffic getting out but it wasn’t a big problem. Our ears were ringing from the loud speakers and our voices were nearly gone from singing the whole night. Like I said before it was worth it! Well after an exciting day and night it was time for me to get some sleep because I have a busy weekend ahead. See you on the next voyage!
Lee IV
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