G’day mates, well today is the day after a month long break, school is back in action! Although most people are dreading coming back to school, I was excited to start my third semester, and see my friends and classmates. On Mondays I have two classes which are Food Principles 2 and Food styling. Although I don’t have many food production classes this semester I can tell my semester is going to be filled with brainstorming projects and working in a team to compete for the food competition in March in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The team I am on I have a feeling we have the potential of placing in the competition.
Once we finished with class it was time for lunch. Since today was the first day of classes MPTC student senate offered a free lunch and entertainment for students who had their I.D.s with them. We were offered the choice of pasta with tomato or alfredo sauce, a bottle of water, and a cookie. The food was good especially since it was free. During the lunch period juggler Nick Pike entertained us with his talented skills. I even had the opportunity to get on stage and participate in one of his acts. I was a bit nervous but I had nothing to worry about. You can see more of this act in my video blog at the bottom of my blog. You will see in the video how funny this guy was, and how the crowd enjoyed him a lot. After the show was finished it was time for me to head off to work at Service Masters. Nothing exciting at night, but I was glad to kick off the new semester on a good note. Well I must head off to bed since I have a busy week ahead me, ciao!
Lee IV
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