Welcome back! My favorite day of the week, Wednesday, was once again super fun; this time in my baking class we made apple pies and a coconut crème pies. The pies turned out really good, and I learned that these pies are not that hard to make. I recommend anyone to try making a pie from scratch as you get to enjoy it more because of the hard work you put into it. The best part I like about baking class is doing the decoration of various desserts; it adds an extra appearance to the final product. If you ever want to try these freshly made pies and treats stop on by the culinary corner or just follow your nose it will lead you to the right place. Making these pies were perfect timing because Thanksgiving is one week away, and plus who doesn’t like an extra serving of desserts.
After my baking class I got ready for my hot sandwich; we were preparing a thanksgiving meal for the maintenance staff for all the hard work they do and all the help they do for us, so in appreciation we cooked up a delicious meal. I made coleslaw while other student made some amazing food from turkey to desserts. Once everything was finished we gathered together and ate as one big family. We had ham, cranberries, sloppy Joes, potatoe salad, meatballs, cider, and plus more! I almost got sleepy but then it was time to clean up. We didn’t take long to clean up then we started to help Instructor Lois Zingsheim for her largest salad bar in MPTC history. If you don’t know Instructor Lois she has a big heart and she likes to make class fun and interactive with the public. She definitely takes her ideas to the next level; she goes big without any doubt. Overall I heard people say nothing but good things about the salad bar her class did that night, I have pictures of all the things of this day. Now you can see why I say Wednesday are my favorite days of the week! In my next blog I will blog about my scholarship dinner at Moraine Park Technical College in Fond du Lac.
Lee IV
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